How To Change A Diaper

Step 1: Analyze baby’s current emotional state

Here is an example of my daughter’s apparent feelings towards getting changed:


Step 2: Choose to proceed with caution or decide to allow your baby to soak in his or her messy diaper, which may eventually result in an explosion.  Choose your battles carefully, this choice can get poopy.

Step 3: Prepare diaper, wipes, changing pad, etc.

Step 4: Wrangle baby.

Step 5: No seriously, wrangle the baby because it may turn out like this:


*if your baby is as stubborn and cantankerous as mine, straps and a distraction while changing are recommended.

Step 6: Make every effort not to get frustrated with baby while changing because it only makes it worse. Feel free to laugh at said baby when their bare, poopy butt is crawling around on your bed, leaving a mess EVERYWHERE (if it helps).

Step 7: Clean those cheeks and stick on those diaper tabs as quickly as you can muster.

Step 8: Kiss the other set of cheeks because you love your baby, and he or she will only be a baby for so long. 🙂

P.S. Sorry if you actually wanted advice on how to change a diaper.

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