Mom Problems

Do you ever feel like you are a terrible mom?

Today has been one of those days where I am totally winning.


Yep, I’m winning the Worst Mom in the World Award.

My daughter has fallen three times today (she’s 7 months but crawling and standing), all of which resulted in a bruise on her little face.  She pulled a heavy wooden chair down on herself. She slipped in her fleece pajamas and hit her face on the table leg. During a baby fit she reared and hit her head on the hard floor.  And those are just the memorable boo-boos of the day.  I’m afraid to see what she’ll look like tomorrow.  I don’t want people to think I hit her.

And the worst part is that while I feel bad, I just wish she’d grow up. Or just chill out.  I’m feeling bad about allowing her to get hurt, but I’m mostly feeling bad that I’m being selfish by wishing she could entertain herself or that I could have a break.

Someone tell me it gets easier?

I keep thinking I should go back to work for the obvious benefits, but also because I need adult interaction.

But the next thing I know, she is smiling at me and I regret ever thinking about it.  If I am able to stay home, I should, right?


Please share your experiences because this momma needs encouragement.

What is with Michelle Pfeiffer?

Am I the only one to have noticed that Michelle Pfeiffer is popular in a few new songs? Did I miss something? WHY ARE PEOPLE SINGING ABOUT MICHELLE PFEIFFER? Here are the songs that I’ve noticed it in:

Vance Joy’s “Riptide”

“I swear she’s destined for the screen, closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you’ve ever seen, oh”

WHAT? WHY? I thought it was just a random person the songwriter liked until I heard “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars.

It goes ““This hit, that ice cold Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold.”

Umm…so these two types of music are NOT similar.  Is this just a coincidence? If there are more songs out there that talk about Michelle Pfeiffer someone tell me cause this is REALLY BOTHERING ME.

Rant over. 🙂

That Baby Body

I’m not talking about my actual baby. I’m talking about my body, that after 7 months still looks like I’m housing a baby.  Yup, I’m going to be that girl who is concerned with her body after pregnancy.  To all of you haters who are using the excuse of “I’m just focusing on my baby right now” or “I just had a baby” in order to avoid becoming healthy again, BEING HEALTHY IS FOR MY BABY, TOO.  Also, with a history of depression and self-diagnosed Post Pardum Depression (I say self-diagnosed because I refuse to go to the doctor although I know I have it) I feel like my physical health is an important player in my mental health.  I KNOW IT IS.  Anyway, here I am at 7 months post-pardum and I am still FAT. And tired. Partially because my baby doesn’t sleep through the night most of the time, but partially because I love cheese and chocolate. Okay, mostly because I love cheese and chocolate.  So I decided that accountability and consistency are going to be what gets me back in shape, feeling healthy, and setting a good example for my daughter.  It’s kind of embarrassing and uncomfortable for me to share, but if it helps me and anyone else, I’ll be happy.

So here is my starting point:

I have been weighing in at 150-152lbs, which is soooo sad to me because in the first two months after baby I was down to 139lbs, but bouts of Baby Blues/Depression put me in a terrible state of mind that had me eating a lot and staying in bed as much as possible.

MIND YOU, I AM ONLY 5’3″.  On a short person, an extra 20lbs looks like, well, this: (note my super enthused face, and awesome slippers)

IMG_0293IMG_0295 IMG_0296IMG_0294

I was 135lbs when I got pregnant and 179lbs when I went in to have my girl.

I was 130lbs on my wedding day.


I was a happy size 4-6.  Now I barely squeeze into two of my “large” pairs of jeans. And by barely, I mean I am creating the biggest, nastiest muffin top you have ever seen in the rare event that I actually zip them all the way up.  Some days I just wear maternity pants and I actually broke down and bought some size 8 jeans at a resale store.

This isn’t just about my vanity, people.

I want to set a good example for my daughter. I have never been involved in sports or been extremely athletic and now it is harder to make healthy decisions now that I am older. I don’t want to wake up someday and weigh 200lbs.

So anyway, I will be posting my progress, struggles, diet info, exercises, etc.  If you’re a woman and you want to be healthy, this is for you–from someone who knows how hard it is. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL.

Welcome to my blog!

#HeyWhatsUp #IWannaGetWitYa #Hola #CommentAllez-Vous #HeyBaby



ME: Thanks for visiting my blog! To sum it up, I am just a girl with a lot on my mind.  But if you must know, I am a wife, mommy, student, daughter, sister, nerd, etc. with a head full of nonsensical thoughts.  I am also somehow the world’s biggest bitch and the world’s most compassionate person, ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

My thoughts needed an outlet, and here we are.

On this blog I talk about everything from love to love handles.  You know, the important stuff!

I am always looking for more things to write about and your feedback and sharing of my blog are what keep me going.

YOU: You are someone who might want some comedic relief from time to time.  You are someone who appreciates honesty.  You are okay with tough topics.  You are NOT okay with tough topics. You are brave. You are scared. You are alone. You are surrounded. You are normal.  You are not normal.  You are empty. You are full. You are happy.  You are upset.

Basically, if you are human, this blog is for YOU.